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albuquerque2009 v1.0.0

This file encodes the article Mammalian Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: From Structure to Function by Albuquerque et al, 2009



In addition to nicotine, an nAChR agonist of considerable commercial importance is anatoxin-a (Fig. 3). This toxin is a product of the blue-green algae, Anabaena, and can reach high concentrations during algal blooms common to ponds that serve as the summer water source of livestock. While this toxin exerts much of its effect through targeting muscle nAChRs, it was recognized over two decades ago to also interact with nAChRs expressed by ganglionic receptors (38). Its ability to activate in central nervous system (CNS) neurons nicotinic currents sensitive to alpha-BGT was among the first indicators that functional alpha7 nAChRs could be distinguished from other nAChRs in neurons of the mammalian brain (38).

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