PubMed: 22807490

Anatabine ameliorates experimental autoimmune thyroiditis.
Caturegli P | De Remigis A | Ferlito M | Iwama S | Ladenson PW | Landek-Salgado MA | Tzou SC

Evidence c065c0068f

Furthermore, anatabine has been recently shown to inhibit nuclear factor-kB(NF-kB) activation and reduce neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease (15).

Evidence 218a6f54ad

Anatabine significantly decreased the severity of EAT induced with our standard induction protocol.

Evidence 035180bcda

Anatabine treated mice developed lower levels of thyroglobulin antibodies than controls on d 14 (P  0.029) and d 21 (P  0.045) (Fig. 2A), suggesting that anatabine atten- uates the thyroid-specific autoimmune response in- duced by thyroglobulin immunization.

Evidence 5a56fb6132

Anatabine suppressed the EAT-mediated increase of IL-1 receptor type 2 (IL-1R2, Figure 3A) and IL-18 (Fig. 3B), restoring their expression to levels similar to those seen in normal unimmunized thyroids.

Evidence 8bf49ae208

Anatabine suppressed in a dose- dependent manner the increase of iNOS and COX2 in- duced by interferon-g (Fig.4),confirming in vitro its antiinflammatory properties. The effect seen with inter- feron-g was also seen when macrophages were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (Supplemental Fig. 1).

Evidence 82c5c2e83f

Smokers in the Third National Health and Nutri- tion Examination Survey were found to have lower prev- alence of thyroperoxidase and/or thyroglobulin antibod- ies than nonsmokers (1).

Evidence dd9296a246

Tobacco smoking has numerous detrimental effects on human health, but it has also been associated with a few apparent salutary actions, including the amelioration of autoimmune (Hashimoto) thyroiditis and ulcerative colitis.


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