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p(HGNC:BAG3) increases complex(p(HGNC:BAG3), p(HGNC:HSPB1)) View Subject | View Object

As previously reported (Fuchs et al., 2010), BAG3 associated with the small heat shock proteins Hsp22/HSPB8 and Hsp27/HSPB1. In addition, we detected a robust interaction with HSF1, the master regulator of the heat-shock response (Figure 3E) PubMed:25036637

p(HGNC:BAG3) directlyIncreases complex(p(HGNC:BAG3), p(HGNC:HSPB1)) View Subject | View Object

BAG3 and BAG4 showed a strong association only with the small heat shock protein Hsp27 (Figure 5F) and the mRNA decapping complex member DCP1B, respectively (Figure 5G), whereas BAG1 interacted with several proteasome subunits (Figure S4C) PubMed:25036637

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BEL Commons is developed and maintained in an academic capacity by Charles Tapley Hoyt and Daniel Domingo-Fernández at the Fraunhofer SCAI Department of Bioinformatics with support from the IMI project, AETIONOMY. It is built on top of PyBEL, an open source project. Please feel free to contact us here to give us feedback or report any issues. Also, see our Publishing Notes and Data Protection information.

If you find BEL Commons useful in your work, please consider citing: Hoyt, C. T., Domingo-Fernández, D., & Hofmann-Apitius, M. (2018). BEL Commons: an environment for exploration and analysis of networks encoded in Biological Expression Language. Database, 2018(3), 1–11.