PubMed: 25036637

A quantitative chaperone interaction network reveals the architecture of cellular protein homeostasis pathways.
Peng J | Berger B | Gingras AC | Taipale M | Krykbaeva I | Tucker G | Choi H | Lin ZY | Larsen B | Lindquist S

Evidence e5457c0680

A few, mostly cochaperones, decreased their interaction with both Hsp90b and Hsc70 (blue circles, Figure 4C).

Evidence 3750d3abf4

These proteins share an FK506-binding domain and one or more TPR domains, which confer interaction with Hsp90 (Figure 3A).

Evidence 2028122535

However, AP-MS and LUMIER revealed that it did interact strongly with multiple DEAH/DEAD box RNA helicases and several subunits of the COPI complex, which regulates retrograde signaling between Golgi compartments (Figures 2 and 6E)

Evidence a1f9dc6ed6

Indeed, OSW-1 treatment led to the dissociation of OSBP from FKBP36 (Figure 3C)

Evidence 6d8d04e94c

LRR proteins interacted particularly strongly with the SGT1 cochaperone, whereas Argonaute proteins bound the protein phosphatase PP5 and p23, both of which are well-characterized Hsp90 cochaperones (Figure 6A)

Evidence 09828605fc

Ganetespib treatment had a strong effect on most Hsp90- client interactions. Of the 630 unique proteins that we detected by LUMIER assay, 46% significantly decreased their interaction with Hsp90beta (change in LUMIER score > 1.5, adjusted p value <0.05; Figure 4A)

Evidence 5d7cd3d914

The effect of ganetespib on Hsc70 interactions was more subtle but still clearly detectable: 16% of the tested proteins increased their interaction with Hsc70 upon ganetespib treatment. This was particularly noticeable for proteins that interacted strongly with Hsc70 (Figure 4B).

Evidence adaa14bd38

Interestingly, five proteins increased their interaction with both Hsp90 and Hsp70 after drug treatment (orange circles,Figure 4C)

Evidence 81154cb949

For example, the FKBP38 (aka FKBP8) interactome suggested a link to G protein signaling through interaction with PDCL, which acts as a chaperone for G protein g subunits (Lukov et al., 2006; Figure 3B).

Evidence 6c95f26e5e

These three proteins localize to cytoplasmic structures known as processing bodies, or P bodies, which are involved in mRNA decapping, degradation, and translational silencing (Eulalio et al., 2007)

Evidence 8f4c4a8719

BAG1 interacted with the E3 ubiquitin ligase Listerin (LTN1), which is involved in ribosomal quality control (RQC) of stalled polypeptides (Bengtson and Joazeiro, 2010).

Evidence 7c80fba871

Second, FKBP51 interacted with the Argonaute proteins AGO1 and AGO2, which are known Hsp90 clients involved in small RNA biogenesis (Iwasaki et al., 2010)

Evidence 0caaec1980

Thus, BAG4 overexpression disrupted P body organization

Evidence e4574785b6

However, mutant BAG4 still localized to P bodies and disrupted P body organization at high expression levels (Figure S3H).

Evidence b3e4766786

For example, we identified several protein kinases that copurified with CDC37, a known kinase-specific Hsp90 cochaperone (Taipale et al., 2012)

Evidence 717f3180d9

For example, CDC37L1 interacted with the bridging factor HOP, whereas CDC37 copurified with AHA1 (Figure 3B), but even more strikingly, CDC37L1 did not associate with any kinases in AP-MS (Figures 2 and 3B)

Evidence cc9eb656fa

First, FKBP51 interacted with a subset of the kinases that interacted with CDC37 (Figure 3B)

Evidence ebfaed4277

As expected, CDC37 interacted virtually exclusively with kinases (p < 0.0001, Mann-Whitney test; Figure 7A)

Evidence aa7b78a17a

Hsp90beta interacted particularly strongly with kinases (Figure 5B, filled blue circles), whereas the transcription factors p53 and HSF1 were among the most Hsp70-biased interactors (Figure 5B,green circles)

Evidence 785a1ad141

NUDC proteins have been found to associate with the Hsp90 complex, but the biological roles of these cochaperones are largely unknown (Zheng et al., 2011)

Evidence 23aeb485a5

For example, seven members of the cytoplasmic RNA polymerase assembly complex R2TP interacted with the prefoldin subunits PFDN2 and PFDN5

Evidence e2fd54969e

The second cluster (URI1, POLR3A, and RPAP3) interacted also with RPAP3 and Hsp90 in addition to the prefoldins (Figure 6B)

Evidence ca510c6c9f

Two subnetworks emerged within this central network, corresponding to known Hsp90 and Hsp70 chaperone complexes (Figure 2, blue and orange squares, respectively). These two subnetworks were bridged by a unique set of cochaperones (Figure 2, tan squares). Among these were the wellknown bridging factors HOP/STIP1, TPR2/DNAJC7, and CHIP/ STUB1, validating our approach (Brychzy et al., 2003; Schmid et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2002). Other bridging factors in this first tier of organization included members of the Hsp40 chaperone family (DNAJB1 and DNAJB6), HSP70-binding protein 1 (HSPBP1), the TPR domain protein EDRF1, and the E3 ligase NRDP1/RNF41

Evidence 5e4ff09a84

CHIP binds Hsp90 and Hsp70 with similar affinities and can regulate the degradation of chaperone clients (Kundrat and Regan, 2010).

Evidence f4285e21f0

Third, FKBP51 associated with three transcription factors (EGLN1, PDCD2, ANKMY2), all of which contain an MYND zinc finger domain, suggesting that this domain represents an Hsp90-interacting protein fold

Evidence b6f74af23c

Perhaps most surprisingly, we found that FKBP51 interacted with MCM4 and MCMBP (Figure 3B), two subunits of the MCM complex that are involved in DNA replication initiation and fork progression

Evidence f73c47d1f1

Corroborating our results, a recent systematic small interfering RNA (siRNA) screen identified FKBP51 as a factor in modulating the cellular response to DNA damage (Cotta-Ramusino et al., 2011)

Evidence cebb5db689

RPN1 interacted strongly with four BAG proteins and with the ubiquitin ligase CHIP. This was in contrast to the three other subunits (RPN10, RPN13, and RPT2) that primarily interacted with other proteasome subunits (Figures 5I, 5J, and S4E)

Evidence ec5a7dbd48

Similarly, three components of the proteasome regulatory particle (PSMD4, PSMC1, and ADRM1) clustered together, as did the two subunits of the prefoldin complex, PFDN2 and PFDN5 (Figure 5A)

Evidence 766049b2b2

CDC37L1/Harc, a protein that is 62% similar to CDC37 (Figure S3A; Scholz et al., 2001), similarly interacted very strongly with Hsp90 and several of its cochaperones (Figures 2 and 3B)

Evidence 27462cc55a

CDC37L1 lacks the very N terminus of CDC37, which is required for kinase interaction and the cellular function of CDC37 (Shao et al., 2003), and is able to mediate strong interaction with ARAF when fused to CDC37L1 (Figure S3B)

Evidence cd42b18d76

BAG3 and BAG4 showed a strong association only with the small heat shock protein Hsp27 (Figure 5F) and the mRNA decapping complex member DCP1B, respectively (Figure 5G), whereas BAG1 interacted with several proteasome subunits (Figure S4C)

Evidence 1a59e9cffe

Although all four subunits are part of the base of the proteasome regulatory particle (Lander et al., 2012), RPN1 clustered together with Hsp70 rather than with the other proteasome subunits (Figure 5A)

Evidence 65e4766718

For example, Hsp70 and Hsp90 machineries formed distinct clusters: Hsp70 clustered together with Hsc70, their nucleotide-exchange factor BAG2, and the E3 ligase CHIP (Figure 5A, orange cluster), whereas Hsp90 and many of its cochaperones formed a separate group (Figure 5A, blue cluster)

Evidence 8658d0c13c

As previously reported (Fuchs et al., 2010), BAG3 associated with the small heat shock proteins Hsp22/HSPB8 and Hsp27/HSPB1. In addition, we detected a robust interaction with HSF1, the master regulator of the heat-shock response (Figure 3E)

Evidence 6e4d67c854

BAG4, in contrast, interacted with three central components of the These three proteins localize to cytoplasmic structures known as processing bodies, or P bodies, which are involved in mRNA decapping, degradation, and translational silencing (Eulalio et al., 2007): DCP1A, EDC3, and DDX6 (Figure 3E)

Evidence 0deb142375

We introduced a point mutation in the BAG domain of BAG4 (D424A) that disrupts its association with Hsp70 (Briknarova et al., 2002; Figure S3G)

Evidence 43eab4765d

BAG5 purification revealed the spindle checkpoint components Mad1/ MAD1L1 and Mad2/MAD2L1 as the most prominent interactors (Schuyler et al., 2012).

Evidence fb446ae5f5

NUDCD3, in contrast, interacted with proteins with Kelch domains (Figure 6G; Table S1)

Evidence 413a808f25

NUDC selectively associated with WD40 repeats, NUDCD2 with RCC1 repeats, and NUDCD3 with Kelch domains (p < 0.0001 for each; Figure 7A)

Evidence 41380fc04b

NUDC interacted with the WD40 domain of FBXW2, NUDCD2 interacted with the RCC1 domain of FBXO24, and NUDCD3 interacted with the Kelch domain of KLHL38 (Figure 7B)

Evidence 1d57811630

For NUDCD2, the most significant interacting protein was FBXO24, an RCC1 repeat protein (Figure 6I)

Evidence e1ab054e84

Indeed, MCMBP interacted with all members of the MCM complex and with FKBP51 (Figure S3C)

Evidence 588e326ea0

In contrast, the highly homologous cochaperone FKBP36 (aka FKBP6) did not interact with PDCL, but instead associated with the oxysterol-binding protein OSBP (Burgett et al., 2011;Figure 3B)

Evidence c402ea6661

Similarly, although SGT1 interacted with some non-LRR proteins, it had significantly stronger interactions with LRR proteins than with other domains (p <0.0001)

Evidence f5f555ab5d

As reported before (Taipale et al., 2012), CDC37 interacted with the kinase domain of ARAF, and SGT1 interacted with the LRR domain of FBXL2 (Figure 7B)

Evidence 8849f16c55

The Hsp90 cochaperone UNC45A, but not its homolog UNC45B, were previously described as an Hsp90beta-specific cochaperone (Chadli et al., 2008) and this held true in our assay. We detected a similar preference for sFKBP38 (Figure 5D)

Evidence 06fc78ddc0

BAG proteins interacted more strongly with Hsp70B' than with Hsp70 or Hsc70 (Figure S4B and data not shown)

Evidence 1c4efea4b9

NUDC interacted strongly with WD40 repeat proteins (Table S1)

Evidence ee863b61be

The four proteins in the first cluster (PFDN2 itself, VBP1, UXT, and PDRG1) are all prefoldin-like proteins and interacted primarily with PFDN2 and PFDN5.

Evidence 1d4341b167

BAG proteins comprise a family of homologous cochaperones for Hsp70. All of these proteins regulate Hsp70’s ATPase activity, interacting with Hsp70 through a conserved BAG domain in their C termini (Figure 3D; Kampinga and Craig, 2010)


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