PubMed: 25411909

Heme-regulated eIF2α kinase plays a crucial role in protecting erythroid cells against Pb-induced hemolytic stress.
Chemical research in toxicology
Liu S | Wang L | Wang X

Evidence 97306d76f8

With respect to the absence of Hri, there were slightly greater serum iron concentrations, total splenic iron content, and hepatic hepcidin expression level in Hri-deficient mice, relative to those in Wt mice (Figure 8A−C).

Evidence 99f267eab3

However, Pb exposure induced hepatic hepcidin expression by nearly 2- fold in Ko + Pb mice with a resultant significant increase of total splenic iron, compared to that in Ko − Pb mice (Figure 8 B and C; P < 0.05).

Evidence 6ceead9b02

In contrast, Ko mice administrated with Pb(NO3)2 (Ko + Pb) developed significant anemia, evidenced by a great reduction of RBC count and hemoglobin concentration, compared to those of untreated Hri Ko mice (Ko − Pb) and Wt + Pb mice (Table 1; P < 0.05).

Evidence 3731af7150

Analogous to phenotypic observations of anemia, the percentage of reticulocytes in peripheral blood of Ko + Pb mice was greatly induced by more than 2-fold relative to Ko − Pb mice (P < 0.05) and Wt + Pb mice (P < 0.001) (Figure 2A and B).

Evidence c4246ff822

The serum levels of direct bilirubin (DBil) and total bilirubin (TBil) were significantly increased in Ko + Pb mice, compared to those in Ko − Pb mice and Wt + Pb mice (Figure 2C and D; P < 0.05).

Evidence 6c29e1e5e2

Furthermore, the level of hematocrit (HCT) was also diminished by roughly 15% in Ko + Pb mice, compared to that in Wt + Pb mice (Table 1), and the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) in Ko + Pb mice was elevated by approximately 15% and 21%, compared to that in Ko − Pb mice and Wt + Pb mice, respectively (Table 1; P < 0.05).

Evidence 953ff7b944

In stark contrast to Wt mice, there was an exuberant increase (57.9%) in Ter119+ cells in Ko + Pb mice, compared to that in Ko − Pb mice (Figure 3A; P = 0.01), suggesting enhanced medullary erythropoiesis in Ko mice upon Pb(NO3)2 administration.

Evidence 529a89d5a1

As shown in Figure 4B, Pb treatment resulted in an induction of splenic Ter119+ erythroid cells in Ko + Pb mice, compared to that in Wt + Pb mice (59.6% vs 36.5%, P < 0.001; Figure 4B).

Evidence 0e48324f42

Consistent with the FACS analysis results, abundant production of erythroblast and megakaryocytes in the sections of BM from Ko + Pb mice was observed, indicting enhanced medullary erythropoiesis (Figure 3C).

Evidence 652229fcfa

Examination of histological sections of spleens showed a dramatic expansion of erythroblasts in the red pulp of the spleens of Hri-null mice upon Pb administration (Figure 4C).

Evidence 321265cf9c

These results also indicated that, in spite of enforced extramedullary and medullary erythropoiesis in Ko + Pb mice, erythroid cells did not robustly survive and differentiate under Pb exposure as shown in Table 1, analogous to the observations in cadmium-treated mice.22

Evidence 877a801079

Pb treatment has been demonstrated to reduce heme availability for globin assembly.38

Evidence e29942dc7d

In Ko + Pb mice, apoptotic cells were increased by a greater degree, 79.4% in BM erythrocytes, compared to those in Ko − Pb mice (Figure 7B; P = 0.012).

Evidence 61945ab177

Apoptosis of splenic erythrocytes in Ko + Pb mice was enhanced by 19.0%, compared to that in Ko − Pb mice and by 55.4% in comparison to that in Wt + Pb mice (Figure 7C; P = 0.019).

Evidence 8cbedac859

Extramedullary and medullary erythropoiesis was enhanced in Hri-null mice upon Pb treatment.

Evidence 5aa1826b34

These results suggest that Pb elicits direct inhibition of erythroid cell differentiation and that more importantly Hri takes a crucial role in promoting erythroid differentiation in response to Pb-induced toxicity.

Evidence f0e773cfd0

These data together demonstrated that Pb caused the inhibition of erythroid enucleation and that Hri seemingly surveilled the terminal differentiation of erythroblasts for appropriate hemoglobin production and final maturation before enucleation.

Evidence c563b27bc9

Elevated reticulocytes indicated markedly increased erythropoiesis in Ko mice challenged with Pb.29

Evidence dffe5a34e6

Moreover, in the current study, we identified a crucial role of Hri in protecting erythroid precursors during differentiation by promoting terminal maturation including enucleation, preventing cell death, and increasing iron availability for erythropoiesis.

Evidence a56190fa38

These data suggested that Pb-induced anemia should be ascribed to (at least partially) Pbinduced death of erythrocytes, and also stressed the critical role of Hri in assuring the survival of BM and spleen erythroid cells under Pb exposure.

Evidence 19f75b77c3

Hri is activated to protect cells from oxidative stress-provoked apoptosis upon arsenic, cadmium, and iron deficiency.18,19,22

Evidence 6de564b2a2

In other words, Hri is necessary for erythroid differentiation and survival under oxidative stress.

Evidence acd67e1a9f

These findings together led us to postulate that there could be disordered differentiation and survival for Hri-deficient erythroid cells upon Pb exposure.

Evidence a392413457

These results are similar to our findings in an earlier study where Hri deficiency resulted in the blockade of erythroid differentiation of FL cells from early and late basophilic erythroblasts into chromatophilic and orthochromatophilic erythroblasts.19

Evidence 45897eecad

Our combined results revealed that Hri functions to protect erythroid cells from Pb-induced toxicity through enhancing erythroid differentiation, enforcing cell survival, and orchestrating iron homeostasis.

Evidence df3f93af87

For example, the binding of Pb2+ to protein sulfydryl groups would result in inhibition of ALA-D activity, leading to heme deficiency, and reduction of heme supply is a known reason for lead-related pathology.10,11

Evidence 96388b726e

Moreover, loss of Hri gave rise to hepatic hepcidin induction, associated with iron retention in spleens.

Evidence 8510a10b2f

Under Pb administration, Wt mice did not develop phenotypes of anemia; however, Hri-deficient mice developed severe anemia.

Evidence 521169ca0d

Extramedullary erythropoiesis is often switched on upon anemia, as characterized by splenomegaly.31


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